Monday, November 23, 2015

The girl is looking at something interesting with a weird smile, and there are two hands from other people through from the dark, one is catching her shoulder, another is trying to touch something.
This picture show the very good perspective in the background, the mouth and smile is so creepy, and the eyes under the glass kind of weird.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Cumulative drawing

I use the charcoal, white glue, brush and paper tower in my drawing.

I used the single line the started, and at last, I drew the model line on the top of the glue to show the round of the green pepper.

For the background, I used the line in the part without the glue, and I make the background line goes into the inside of the pepper to goes with the model lines.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The background use the water color to show the starts,and there is a planet in the bottom, it looks like a flower grow from the grass.
She draw a flower and the hand hold the magnifier to show the details of the flower.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Model line drawing

I use the model line on this drawing, and I also use charcoal to make the shadow and show the difference between near and faraway.